Sunday, June 20, 2010

Let me tell a little about why I wanted to be selected for the 100 day heart challenge. In 1997 my son was diagnosed with leukemia which would require 3 1/2 years of chemotherapy. That first year I completely fell apart physically and mentally and was not taking proper care of myself. At the end of the first year, I decided that I would have to get my life back in order so that I could better take care of my son. I needed to be physically well and I needed to be mentally strong and emotionally well for him. So I began exercising by walking and strength training. Through the last 13 years I have been fairly regular but I have noticed that I have not lost weight and my heart lab values were starting to creep up as was my blood pressure. I knew I was not eating and exercising in the right way. So this is why I signed up for the challenge. I would like to learn better nutrition especially as I get older and to learn better ways to exercise. I am so glad to have been chosen and appreciate the opportunity to learn to take better care of myself.

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